Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia has released its 2015 Annual Report – Leading Through Change. 2015 at a glance: Slightly fewer Nova Scotians were injured at work compared to 2014. Registered claims decreased to 23,933 from 24,505. There were eight acute workplace fatalities in 2015, compared to five in 2014, 17 in 2013, and […]
Tag Archives | wcb
2013 Year in Review
By Sylvain on 2013/12/30 in Corporate training, Diversity, human resources, OH&S, Small Business, wcb
Another year is coming to a close. We thought we would give you a brief overview of what HR pros accomplished in 2013: HR pros celebrated 5 years in business in October – Thank you for your support! We launched “Webinar Wednesday”, a free webinar open to all, the third Wednesday of each month. The schedule is on our website! HR pros […]

International Human Rights Day- Is Your Organization Doing What Needs to be Done?
By Tanya Sieliakus on 2013/12/10 in advice, Communication, Culture, Discrimination, Diversity, Human Rights, Small Business, Uncategorized
December 10 is International Human Rights Day. It is a time for us to reflect upon the human rights we enjoy here in Canada, to advocate for others who do not enjoy these basic rights, and to highlight specific issues of concern wherever they may be found. This year has special significance as it is […]