Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia has released its 2015 Annual Report – Leading Through Change. 2015 at a glance: Slightly fewer Nova Scotians were injured at work compared to 2014. Registered claims decreased to 23,933 from 24,505. There were eight acute workplace fatalities in 2015, compared to five in 2014, 17 in 2013, and […]
Archive | Safety

Human Resources Management and Safety Support Program for Startups
By Sylvain on 2016/03/23 in Employee policies, human resources, new business, OH&S, Policies, Safety, Small Business
HR pros offers the successful applicants world-class human resources management and safety counsel that is meaningful, practical and not outside of the entrepreneur’s ability to manage.

Small Business Issues Series 6 of 6: Outsourcing
By Tanya Sieliakus on 2014/01/03 in advice, Communication, Employee policies, human resources, Human Rights, Job opportunity, new business, OH&S, orientation, Policies, Regulations, retention, Safety, Small Business, Training, Wage, wcb
Our final topic of this series that we perceive as a top pain point for small businesses; Outsourcing. Many of the Human Resources issues discussed in our earlier Small Business Issues postings can be avoided by careful planning and most importantly, seeking help for your Human Resources needs through subject matter experts. Many small businesses […]