Understanding and Working With Unions

Traditionally manufacturing and the public service have been the targets of union efforts. However, with the Great Recession of 2008 the manufacturing and public service sectors have shrunk forcing unions to target non-traditional industry sectors, including service and hospitality.  Union avoidance is not a by-chance outcome. This half day session will introduce business owners to how to strategically avoid unionization. The workshop will examine:

  • Why People Join Unions – It’s Not Always Why You Think
  • Why You Want To Be Union Free – So Many Bottom Line Reasons
  • The Process of Unionization – Avoiding Illegal Conduct
  • Union Avoidance – Real Strategy
  • If You’ve Got It Flaunt It – Negating The Union Threat

Learning Outcomes: Participants will leave this session able to:

  • Understand why employees turn to unions in the first place;
  • Explain the impact to the bottom line if a unionization drive is successful;
  • Describe the process their business would experience if a union drive occurred and be aware of exactly what behaviours are and are not allowed by both owners, management and employees;
  • Create an effective operational strategy in order to minimize the attractiveness of a union environment in their business; and
  • List the factors they can specifically highlight to achieve the above.