Tag Archives | retention

Employee Motivation: It is not Rocket Science

Job performance is a function of the employee having the ability to do the job and the motivation to perform the work. Ability is acquired through training and experience. Motivation, conversely, can be a more complex issue because motivation varies by employee; one employee might be motivated by money, another by recognition, while another is […]

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It’s Not A Termination, It’s Alumni Building

“I feel more like an Alumni than someone who just go fired”! – Terminated employee at the conclusion of the termination meeting.   Terminating an employee, or group of employees as the case may be, is not a pleasant experience for either party.  It’s even a little less pleasant when termination(s) isn’t based on poor […]

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Training in the workplace

Two weeks ago, two unrelated organizations released separate studies that provided interesting statistics on the status of workplace training.  One study was released by the Canadian Council on Learning and dealt with learning in general within the Canadian society.  The other study was conducted by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and reported specifically on […]

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